Early last year I had a severe auto-immune reaction. One day all the joints on the left side of my body exploded with inflammation. My knee was the size of a grapefruit. The fingers on my left hand were so stiff I struggled to open jars. I’d wake up each morning with ripe, throbbing limbs and the tinny echo of my medication reminder going off. I remember dreading that first step onto the floor, because that’s when I would really know if it was going to be a good day or a bad one. It was often bad, in those early days. I ate oatmeal with almond yogurt, because the label on the pill bottles said “take with food.” I used a package of frozen raspberries wrapped in a towel to ice my knee. I stayed horizontal until the meds kicked in and I could move again without pain; usually around 1...

The real tragedy of purity culture, authoritarian parenting and the culture war ethos is not that we failed, but that we succeeded. This unholy Roman trinity may not have produced culture warriors or even prevented us from losing our faith, but it nevertheless worked as designed....